
Sunday, February 22, 2015

Deluxe Flint and Steel Kit from

I had previously put together a home made kit from an Altoids tin, a broken file, and chert from a Rail Road Track.  It is very functional and I have built a number of fires with it.  Last week I came across the above kit and thought I would give it a try. had it to me in less than a week,  and I am thrilled with this kit.   The tins include an "Altoid" size one that held a bunch of cotton cloth for char material.  The smaller round tin is suppose to be used for making char cloth,  but I used the larger one.  The small on is very air tight and I felt it would probably blow apart in the fire.

The included flint is very large and sharp!  I think I could field dress a deer with this rock.  A nice length of Jute rope is included with the kit for making bird nests,  but I have been using my own stuff for that.

The steel striker is very nice,  throws a shower of sparks and fits comfortably over 3 fingers for striking.

I wish I could take pictures and make fires at the same time...but here are a few shots of a quick fire with this kit.

All laid out:

Spark Caught( in like 2 stikes)

In the Bird Nest

A few Breaths and POOF!

All in all it is a very sweet kit and I am going to have a lot of fun using it!


Last week I put together a new Haversack to hold my fire kit.  It cost me time and materials I already had laying around the house.   The main component of the bag was obtained from one leg of a old pair of duck work pants.  Then with some salvaged webbing from old packs, a few grommets, Shoe Goo glue, dental floss, wax and a dose of time. it came together nicely.  Just by folding up the bottom half of the pant leg,  it created a 2 pocket bag with no extra cutting.

The inner pouch holds my Fire Steel,  tins of tinder,  Flint and Steel Kit, Mora Knife, Bic Lighter, and matches.   The outer pouch will be for tinder and fire supplies I pick up along the trail.

After I had it all put together I gave it 2 good coats of wax followed by a hair dryer to water proof the material.   I think I have about 2 maybe 3 hours of time in making it.