
Sunday, February 22, 2015

Deluxe Flint and Steel Kit from

I had previously put together a home made kit from an Altoids tin, a broken file, and chert from a Rail Road Track.  It is very functional and I have built a number of fires with it.  Last week I came across the above kit and thought I would give it a try. had it to me in less than a week,  and I am thrilled with this kit.   The tins include an "Altoid" size one that held a bunch of cotton cloth for char material.  The smaller round tin is suppose to be used for making char cloth,  but I used the larger one.  The small on is very air tight and I felt it would probably blow apart in the fire.

The included flint is very large and sharp!  I think I could field dress a deer with this rock.  A nice length of Jute rope is included with the kit for making bird nests,  but I have been using my own stuff for that.

The steel striker is very nice,  throws a shower of sparks and fits comfortably over 3 fingers for striking.

I wish I could take pictures and make fires at the same time...but here are a few shots of a quick fire with this kit.

All laid out:

Spark Caught( in like 2 stikes)

In the Bird Nest

A few Breaths and POOF!

All in all it is a very sweet kit and I am going to have a lot of fun using it!

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